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The food I was eating (or lack there of) was not sustainable. After college I put all of the weight back on plus some, due to me binging on unhealthy foods and an unrealistic mindset.  At the age of 24 I was 5’8 245 lbs, and once again found myself living to eat instead of eating to live. During a routine physical my doctor looked at me jokingly and said, “well you’re fine, but you might want to consider working out a little bit”.  

That opened my eyes, here I am a young 24-year-old in his prime and the doctor has to prescribe me fitness.  Usually, he would tell a 56-year-old this or someone who has been inactive their whole life.  


That summer I worked out, however not only in the conventional sense, I worked my brain out as well.  I read countless books on how my muscles worked, watched months worth of videos on how food is converted in our bodies to best supplement my training.  I figured out the best training methods, the optimal muscles to hit, the best cardiovascular workouts and even had a predetermined meal plan that I ate every single day.  


What was the difference between the 2 instances of my weight loss?  It was education. This time I educated myself vastly in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and learn exactly what I needed to do and when I needed to do it. This knowledge will last a lifetime.  Now, I’m imparting this knowledge to you.


Are you ready to finally reach heights and body goals that you never thought you could reach?

Begin to train like the SPARTAN WARRIOR you have inside of you?

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