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10 Tips On How To Lose Weight Fast

``Its January and my new year`s resolution is to lose 20lbs, I’m sick and tired of being this big! In the next 2 months, I`m going to lose every pound I said I would, just you wait and see!‘‘

This person has the right spirit, a great idea but the wrong thinking. Yes of course we all want to have that perfect body that rivals those on the magazine covers or Instagram photos, however one aspect people forget is that You did not gain that weight overnight, you are definitely not going to lose it overnight either! What we will explore today is how to best lose weight as fast as the human body allows us.

Before we get into the 10 tips, if you have not read my previous blog in regards to the explanation of Endomorphs called The 3 different Body Types and You. Click the link and get reading so you know that I am speaking primarily to the Endomorphs. Now on to the list:


1. Cut Back On Carbs:

- A lot of my clients did not know that the white rice and white bread that they indulge in turns into sugar within their bodies, if you didn’t know sugar is not the best for your weight loss goals

- Carbs/ Sugars (even natural) spike your insulin levels which is a benefactor of retaining weight

- Your body also utilizes those simple sugars and carbs for energy first, before anything else you ingest, leaving you hungry in a shorter amount of time

2. Lift Weights Consistently:

- Though 3 times a week of weight lifting in and around 60% to 80% of your one rep max is appropriate and suitable for you to maintain lean muscle, just being consistently present at your local gym or picking up the weights at home should be beneficial for you to lose weight

- By lifting weights you activate the thermogenic effect which burns calories all over your body

- Having muscle on your body also raises how many calories you burn at rest (Resting Metabolic rate) in other words the muscle on your body actually utilizes energy to stay on your body, therefore you can lose fat by supplementing that mass for muscle

3. Drink A Glass of Water Before Your Meal:

- This one is a no brainer, but the reason why you would want to partake in this is because it tricks your body into feeling more satiated, if you feel full your will more than likely refrain from going for seconds or thirds

- Your body is literally comprised of 70% water, it would be in your benefit to try to hit that goal of 8 glasses to keep you hydrated and to enhance the transmission of certain minerals and vitamins

- There was an actual study that showed subjects who drank water 30 min before meals increased weight loss by 44% over 3 months compared to their counterparts

4. Consume High Fiber Foods:

- Higher Fiber foods take much longer to digest than refined carbs like white breads

- When your body is digesting foods, it expends energy which means you are burning calories after you have consumed them. If you eat fast digesting foods, your body does not work as hard to digest them, meaning far less calories burned

- Some examples are: Whole grains (breads, pasta etc), Oatmeal and high Fiber vegetables like Kale and broccoli

5. Consume Lean Protein in Every Meal:

- Amino Acids within protein are the building blocks which maintain and promote lean muscle mass within our bodies

- Like high Fiber foods, it takes a lot more for the body to digest protein due to how dense it is, therefore further caloric expenditure

- Studies show that high protein diets reduce cravings by about 60% due to the satiating effect it has on the body

- Meat: Chicken, Beef, Turkey

- Eggs: Egg whites and whole eggs

- Plant Based Proteins: Soy products, Beans and Legumes

- Sea Food: Salmon, Tuna and Shrimp

6. Avoid Drinking Calories:

- This is a secret killer of a lot of my clients while personal training, drinking that large double double or having that one can of soda with dinner can and will effect your weight loss goals

- Even drinks that are promoted to be healthy like orange juice and other fruit juices have high sugar and calories, if you are to have one glass too many that can put you over your caloric intake quickly

- The sugar in those drinks not only does not fill you, but it spikes your insulin which once again promotes fat retention

7. Participate in Cardiovascular Activities:

- Not only does cardio burn calories, but it also strengthens your heart and defends against many diseases

- Cardio causes the heart to beat faster, pushing blood throughout the body thus creating once again the Thermogenic effect

- Skipping, Swimming and playing sports that you enjoy are the best cardiovascular activities

8. Calculate the Amount of Calories Your Body Needs:

- If you calculate your Basal Metabolic rate, you now know the number of calories that are required to keep your body functioning at rest

- Once you know that number, you can slightly go under your caloric needs and watch the pounds slowly slip away

9. Add Coffee or Caffeinated Tea to Your Diet:

- Though there is no solid evidence stating that caffeine will undoubtedly initiate weight loss, research has shown it has a slight effect on your metabolic rate

- With that, taking caffeine before a workout increases energy expenditure which allows for more activity within a shorter time

- Once again coffee also speeds up the heart, which will then create the overall body burning Thermogenic effect

10. Make Sure You Get Good Sleep:

- Sleep is a pivotal aspect of health due to the fact it impacts everything in your body from your heart to your brain positively

- A study showed that just 4 days without consistent/ sufficient sleep negatively impacted the body`s abilities to process insulin. If the insulin does not respond accurately to sugars and fats in your blood stream, it will just store it as fat

- Also when you lack sleep the stress hormone that your body produces is heightened, which means that your body will naturally hold on to fat longer

If you have hit a plateau in your weight training or just beginning your journey, follow me on Instagram @spartan_alliance25 and shoot me a DM for more fitness information!

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