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Coconut Oil Vs Olive Oil, Which is the Best for You?

When it comes to cooking, what are the healthiest oils you can use?

As the tittle indicates, coconut and olive oil have been studied and discussed for many years to recognize which oil is the healthiest for your weight loss journey. Of course, with diet restrictions/ allergies, specific oils would be necessary to ingest, however we will discuss two of the most highly publicized oils: Coconut Vs Olive Oil!

In the first corner coming in at 117 calories and 14 grams of fat per table spoon, wearing all white and solid at room temperature Coconut Oil:



Ø Potential properties that can help with health conditions like hair, skin damage, teeth and nails

Ø Holds a high level of Lauric Acid which has the potential to assist with weight loss

Ø Raises HDL cholesterol levels with modest consumption

Ø Though research is limited, the chemicals found in coconut oil can potentially reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease


Ø Risk of heart disease when 13 grams of saturated fat is consumed per day - for a prolonged amount of time (1 serving size has 14 grams)

Ø Raises harmful LDL cholesterol which can also lead to stroke

Ø Devoid of essential fatty acids (due to it primarily being saturated fat)

Ø Can destroy good bacteria in the stomach hence causing diarrhea and other issues within the gut


And in the second corner coming in at 119 calories and 14 grams of fat per table spoon, wearing a golden tone and liquid at room temperature Olive Oil:


Ø Phytonutrients within olive oil resemble ibuprofen and reduces inflammation, and studies have stated that there are links to this and reducing the risk of breast cancer

Ø Effectively lowers LDL cholesterol while maintaining HDL cholesterol all while preventing fatty patches and slowing the process of heart disease

Ø studies indicate that regular consumption of olive oil can help decrease both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Ø Though high in calories, Olive oil has shown to assist in patients with Obesity


Ø High calorie count, which can lead to weight gain if mismanaged

Ø With high consumption, and a predominantly high fat diet, there is a potential for damages to arteries and inflammation of which can then lead to heart disease

Ø Can cause nausea in people

Ø Certain elements within the oil causes blood vessels to shrink


Overall, when preparing foods if you are utilizing one of these two oils, you’re doing better than someone using canola oil or margarine, but in my honest opinion it does seem like the best oil to cook with and or consume is Olive oil. Of course the claims of suppressing breast cancers are huge but there has not been enough research to properly confirm this declaration. What really pushes my opinion to the side of Olive Oil is that it effectively lowers LDL cholesterol, which by the way is the bad cholesterol linked to many diseases, and disperses fatty patches which is a leading cause of heart disease. Coconut oil has many advantages as well, like the fact that there are links to the chemicals within coconut oil and prevention of Alzheimer’s. However, the amount of prospective negatives like the fact that ingesting 13 grams a day for a prolonged period of time can raise the chances of heart disease (while one serving of coconut oil has 14 grams). In conclusion, as always a balanced diet of healthy polyunsaturated/ monounsaturated fats with some saturated fats is the healthiest for your body! If you have hit a plateau in your weight training or just beginning your journey, follow me on Instagram @spartan_alliance25 and shoot me a DM for more fitness information!

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