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Lose Weight or Gain Weight: Which Diet Should You Follow?

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

One of the most difficult aspects of the weight loss journey is to find things that you can enjoy eating, that will not pack the pounds on.

Whether it is the final 5lbs that you need to burn, or you are just beginning your weight loss journey staring 50lbs of fat dead in the eyes, what you put in your mouth is over 60% of the battle. Also, if you are of a certain body type (Ectomorph) you are more likely wanting to gain weight before you flat out disappear. Scientifically speaking, the latter of the 2 issues is much easier, if you want to gain weight……just eat. Of course its not as easy as just eating absolutely anything, your heart will not appreciate that! Before we dive into what the best eating plan is, lets concentrate on how the body gains



1. The Equation of what your body burns compared to what it stores is based upon your genetic make up, how much energy (Calories) your body burns at rest and your level of physical activity

2. When you consume more energy (Calories) than your body uses, the excess is stored within particular fat cells (Adipose Tissue)

3. When the energy is stored within the fat cells, they either add to the tissue that is

present and or create new fat cells all together


Now that we have a straight forward explanation of how the body actually develops and keeps fat on the body, we have to look at what we need to eat for each body type and why. ( If you have no idea what a Meso, Ecto or endomorph is, don't you worry I will have a blog in regards to the meaning and break down of each!)


First we have the athletic build (Mesomorphs) who have been blessed to eat what they would like (within limits) and not gain too much fat. This is essentially due to this particular body type being able to gain muscle fairly quickly. The best diet plan for them would be a balanced diet. Mesomorphs insulin sensitivity levels are fairly effective, so they can objectively have the same amount of Carbohydrates to Proteins. Like stated previously, they should try for the most balance that they can between there macro nutrients. For example 40-35% Protein 40-35% Carbohydrates and 20 – 30% Healthy Fats.

Next we have the Slender, fat burning mechanisms known as Ectomorphs. Within

studies held for other body types (primarily Endomorphs) the findings are that Carbohydrates are not the best source of food for weight loss. However, for this particular group of people they are not affected in the same manner. You will most likely have to double your caloric intake (Not literally but substantially increase it) and focus more on strength at the gym. Adversely, the Ectomorph would not likely be looking to loose weight, so the need to “beef up” and gain mass would be prevalent. An Ectomorphs macro nutrient split would most likely entail: 45-50% Carbohydrates 30 – 35% Proteins 15 – 25% Healthy Fats.

Lastly, we have the fat storing champions, the ones that have been genetically

predisposed to be best equipped for a famine- the Endomorphs. Now due to their slow metabolism, they have the most difficult time cultivating that ever-desired beach body. The first thing they will HAVE to do, is watch literally everything that goes into their mouths. As a personal trainer, I’ve had clients beast out in the gym, and follow the loose guidelines on what to eat, and some still came back the same size due to that Saturday night binge of alcohol and or that double double coffee that they thought wasn’t going to harm them. If you are an Endomorph, You should download a calorie tracker and figure out how much energy your body naturally burns. You will then have to go 100- 250 calories under that in order to begin seeing results. An Endomorphs macro nutrient break down should resemble the following: 35- 50% Protein 25-45% Carbohydrates 20-35% Healthy Fats.


In conclusion Spartans, note that the break down of foods like Carbs, fats and proteins, should all be of healthy choices. Keep the proteins lean as possible, the carbs should be mainly vegetables/ fruits or whole grains and the fats should be mainly comprised of nuts, fatty fishes and cooking oils such as olive oil. The reason I stress this is because even if you are either a Mesomorph and or Ectomorph eating within your macro nutrient means, eating a donut everyday to reach your carb goal will not be the best idea for your body/ heart in the long run. The healthiest options of foods you love should be considered over the quick and easy versions.

If you want the best exercise program on the market, which utilizes your personal fitness level, your calculated strength and even your biological body type, click the link to find out which program best fits you and begin your journey as a Spartan Warrior!


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