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The Alliance Question Time Part 2

Welcome back to Part 2 of The Alliance questions! Again I cannot thank everyone enough for their support and questions they have been coming up with, I cannot wait to help everyone bring out the warrior within themselves! Again if you have a specific question that is not on this list, please follow me @spartan_alliance25 on Instagram and or follow Spartan Alliance Fitness group on Facebook and shoot me a DM, or send an email to!

Question 1 Mr Nene: “Hi I'm 14 and I'm a beginner, any advice for me? I don’t drink any powders and all that stuff and I’ve been training for a month now and I see no difference! Please give me some tips!”

First of all Mr. Nene, that’s amazing that you have begun training at this age! This is a great time to begin training in order to establish healthy habits that can/ will affect you positively for the rest of your life. Now there are so many factors that need to be considered when you begin training. 1 how many days a week, how long are you training for when you go, what exactly are you doing? At this age, you should not be lifting heavier than 65% of your 1 Rep Max in order to prevent strain on your developing bones and nervous system. You do not need supplements at all, as long as you are consistent and you have intention when you are in the gym. Develop a push/pull/legs split (or purchase Personalized Spartan Fitness Coaching) and make sure to work those legs! Due to the spike in testosterone which your body will be producing, you will be able to not only work out effectively and efficiently, but if you adopt a good diet of high protein, clean carbs and healthy fats, you will put yourself in the best position to make those gains!

Question 2 Mr Rashad: “I'm in VA, and I need to be able to push past my limits, any plans or supplements?”

Amazing question my friend and actually one that I will be addressing in future posts. In my time as a personal trainer I had to learn how to get my clients to become overall better and stronger all while maintaining proper form and without them sustaining any egregious injuries. The Spartan System that I developed actually combines 2 different types of proven training styles in one along with your specific body type/ level of fitness and the exact percentage of what you can lift to get you to that next level! This system will be available soon, and in the meantime (before you purchase this amazing system) you should be in a slight caloric surplus in order for your body to have the necessary energy it needs to lift heavier weight. Track the weight that you lift, and every week up your weight by 5lbs and lower your rep range. In terms of supplements, creatine has been proven to assist the average gym goer with lifting heavier weights, along with multiple other benefits. (click here to read more)

Question 3 Ms Sharky: “Hey Mr Spartan, how long can it take to build a chest with just push ups?”

Another very good question posed, and this is not as easily defined as other questions. There are two different muscle types fast twitch and slow twitch muscles (click here to read in depth on the difference between the two). One is in control of your endurance activities, and the other your power activities. Once you begin push ups, it will stimulate new muscle growth, and as long as you are consistent and increase your rep range, you will be able to make your chest more defined and built. However, the most important aspect of building muscles is resistance. In order to get a bigger and more built chest, you must be able to put your muscles under more tension/ resistance. To answer your question more simply, increase your rep range to a staggering amount (like 50-70 consecutive push ups) and continue from there, and you should be able to build a solid chest in 8- 12 weeks!

Once again, thank you all for your continued support look out for Part 3 of The Alliance Question Time! If you have any questions, or wish to be featured in this segment please follow me @spartan_alliance25 on Instagram and or follow Spartan Alliance Fitness group on Facebook and shoot me a DM or email me at

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