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The Best Supplements for Muscle Building


“I'm going to get so Jacked, I have this new thing I bought called DRX-3500 FSP 2 Million! Its supposed to build muscle upon your muscle and I know what your thinking, no its not steroids ok! You should get like me and get something to build your muscles.”

First of all, any supplement that will build muscles upon muscles is more than likely going to have some kind of illegal substance that will be considered a steroid. Anabolic Steroids are usually synthetic versions of testosterone and are so dangerous to the human body not for what it initially does to you, but what happens after prolonged usage. In short, the body stops producing natural testosterone due to it being pumped into the body externally, which causes a multitude of issues for the user. With the worst supplement for muscle growth out of the way, lets get into some of the best options to supplement your muscle gain journey with:


1. Creatine

2. Protein Powder

3. Pre- Workout/BCAA’s


Beginning with the 3rd option on this list, Pre-workout is a supplement which is supposed to enhance your workouts by aiding the users energy/ endurance output. There are usually high amounts of caffeine and other components that are necessary to muscle building included within the supplement. There was also a small study that stated pre-workout coupled with the appropriate carbohydrates improved stamina and focus. I added BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) to the list seeing as you take a pre workout before a strenuous weight lifting session, and BCAA’s post workout in order to assist in repair of the muscle. One Important Amino Acid is Beta- Alanine which can increase muscle mass with consistent resistance training and supplementation. Several studies concluded that having this Amino Acid in your weight lifting arsenal will benefit your overall results. Now I give Pre- Workout only an 8/10 due to the potential issues that come with overutilization and issues that come with high caffeine usage. I give BCAA`s 8.5/10 for muscle building due to amino acids being the foundation of what muscles are built on, this supplement will be necessary for those who are pushing themselves to the limit.

The 2nd option on this list is Protein powder, this supplement is in every gym goer’s tool belt from beginner to the most advanced. Like stated before amino acids is the building block of which muscles are developed from, and protein is the fuel that repairs the muscle after strenuous workouts. The best source of protein should come from whole foods like eggs, chicken, beef, milk and other sources like that however, if you are not receiving enough protein from your natural diet (or you are trying to cut fat and not lose too much muscle) protein supplements are beneficial to add to your diet. Research also shows that a protein heavy diet (0.5lbs- 0.9lbs per pound of body weight) causes more musculature gains than those on a high fat or high carb diet. Overall I give protein 9/10 for muscle building effectiveness primarily due to protein being the actual building block of muscle, and it being absolutely necessary to your body in order to reach goals. However, if you intake too much protein, your body has limited space to store the excess, and will either flush it out of your system and or turn it into fat.

Last but most certainly not least, is the supplement creatine. One of the most researched supplements ever, Creatine is a naturally produced molecule which provides energy for muscles and tissues. When you supplement with this product, the natural stores are increased by 40% which positively affects your individual muscle cells by promoting muscle gain and assisting in performance. In basic terminology, after consistent use of creatine, that bench press set that you were able to only get 6 reps out of, can increase by 1 or 2 reps. The list of benefits creatine has are extremely valuable, things like increased levels of muscle growth hormones, increased water content within the individual muscle cells, and overall size and performance once again are enhanced. 9.7/10 is what I give Creatine for overall muscle building effectiveness and the only reason why it lost points was because of personal experience, if not taken properly, let’s just say it can upset a stomach!

Once again with a balanced diet, consistent resistance training and incremental improvements in the weight you lift, you can utilize any of these supplements to attain your goals. As always, remember that these products are to supplement in your journey and not to be relied on. However, If you have hit a plateau in your weight training or just beginning your journey, follow me on Instagram @spartan_alliance25 and shoot me a DM, lets get you to that level!

If you wish for a more in depth analysis and step by step instruction on how to get the body you deserve, Sign up for the much anticipated Fitness and or Nutrition coaching of a personal trainer and nutrition specialist. Sign up today by leaving your email and explaining what your goals are. Begin your journey and claim glory as you attain the body of the Spartan that you are!

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