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The Best Supplements for Weight Loss

Updated: Dec 18, 2020

“Hey bro, I just got this new killer stack that lets you burn weight while you eat! You don’t even need to work out...its called..”

Now before I continue to break down the best supplements for weight loss, let me input a very serious disclaimer that needs to be heard by all gym goers and fitness enthusiasts. If supplements are not utilized properly with direction from someone who is certified, along with ample research on your behalf, the potential for negative effects are possible. One misunderstood aspect of supplements is how they are used. They are not supposed to be relied on for any given affect that it contributes to, they are exactly what their namesake implies, it should be used as a supplement in your diet. With that being said if you still need that extra push to get those last few pounds off, what supplements should/could you utilize in order to get you there?

Before you look into external factors to assist with weight loss, natural remedies like a caloric deficit and a respectable mixture of cardio and progressive weight lifting should be applied to your weight loss journey regiment. If your body has naturally hit that plateau, and that extra push is needed, then the following are supplements that I recommend to give a try for modest weight loss:


1. Caffeine/ Green Tea Extract

2. Orilistat (Alli)

3. Glucomannan


Out of all the research I have conducted, the 3 best supplements to shrink your body fat in my opinion are Green Tea Extract, Orilistat and Glucomannan. All 3 have studies to back their claims, however in all studies it has shown that there is only modest weight loss in the control group compared to those who have taken placebo pills. Overall, each supplement works to slightly “nudge” your metabolism and or contribute to the feeling of satiety. For example, caffeine has been shown to increase metabolism by 3-11% which could lead to a 29% increase in fat burning in some humans. The main downfall of this “supplement” is that society utilizes caffeine for alternate reasons, and the benefits are quickly expunged due to the body developing a tolerance towards it. Also, many people are caffeine sensitive and will experience things like anxiety, jitters, nausea, diarrhea and irritability to name a few symptoms.


Green Tea Extract mainly targets belly fat by increasing the activity of norepinephrine within the blood stream. Norepinephrine in conjunction with adrenaline increases blood pressure and assists in the breakdown of fat cells. Though this extract does contain caffeine, it is slight enough that only hyper sensitive people will feel any effects of the pills. With this I give Green Tea Extract an 8.5/10 for effectiveness due to you being able to drink green tea and garner the same positive effects as taking the pill, while not harming your overall physiology.


Next we have the supplement called Orilistat (Alli), an over the counter prescription drug which basically increases the feeling of satiety by reducing the breakdown of fat within the stomach. Within the 11 studies conducted in human trials, there was evidence of up to 6 pounds of weight loss compared to the placebo group. Not only were the effects of weight loss present, in one study Alli was shown to slightly reduce blood pressure, and decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by an impressive 37%. With all of those health benefits there are chances of digestive issues and even more serious deficiency with absorbing fat soluble vitamins. This can lead to problems down the road with prolonged use. I give Orilistat 7.5/10 for effectiveness due to it having general success with fat loss, however the health complications it poses are detrimental to your overall health. It is said that a low fat, high carb diet is recommended to pair with this supplement.


The last supplement I recommend is Glucomannan, which is a type of fiber found in a elephant yams. What this does is when it is ingested; it absorbs water and turns into a gel-like substance within the stomach, giving once again that feeling of satiety to the user. Within 3 studies it was recorded that there was 8- 10 pounds of fat loss in 5 weeks. Glucomannan’s fiber supports the good bacteria within the intestines and also promotes low blood sugar levels, blood cholesterol and triglycerides. The only major issues this supplement can pose is the interference with specific oral medications if taken at the same time. Other than that, minor bloating, flatulence and soft stools. Overall I rate this an impressive 9/10 for effectiveness due to the requirements of a healthy diet being essential to the success of your weight loss, and also the fact that this is a natural product which has little negative side effects.

Overall the best method for weight loss is of a natural course where you eat a well balanced diet, exercise consistently and also keep your “bad” foods in check. With that being said, if you do need that extra push, I would recommend Glucomannan due to its natural properties and low risk of negative side affects. There are many other supplements that can be tried which are of the same basic principles as the three that I have listed, but the reason I chose those three were because of the human trials that took place, along with the positive attributes compared to the health risks. As always keep grinding warriors and remember The Journey Never Gets Easier, You Just Get Stronger!

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