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The Different Body Types and You

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

You go back for seconds and thirds in awe and envy of your friends, however you are just trying to gain at least one pound before you go back to the family reunion. Or you skip another meal, trying to fit into that dress you had from last summer that looks all too snug.

We all have one of those friends that can eat everything when there at a party or a gathering and just cant seem to gain any weight, we also have one of those friends that seems to never get their weight under control. Why is that, why were some blessed with naturally physically fit bodies while others (like myself) have to fight for every inch to come off?

Some will argue that the main reason for this “difference” is genetics. For instance, a study completed by the International Journal of Obesity found that humans need physical activity in order to gain muscle, but those individuals that have athletic genes within their lineage require less physical out put in order to reach the same goal as their counterparts. Another finding within the same study was that a father who had a pear shape-like figure would pass that on to his children, and if the mother had a similar build the child had a greater probability of having a rounder shape. Now to dispute those findings, I personally have family members (Aunts, Cousins) who have a portly shape and gave birth to more athletic children. Is this solely genetics or is it also the make up of your specific DNA, comprised with your dietary habits and environmental influence which makes your body type?


Now with that question of “how does your body actually become your body type”, we have to dissect the 3 different body types. (leave a comment and let us know which one you fit into!)


A person with high metabolism, naturally physically fit and well built. With high muscular cell response.


A person with extremely high metabolism, naturally very lean, long and slender frame. Very difficult to gain adequate muscle.


A person with extremely low metabolism, naturally bigger, higher body fat and predisposition to store fat very easily. However, can gain muscle rather quickly.



Let’s start with the Apex body type that we all wish we had the Mesomorph. This body type is naturally built and they tend to take advantage of their super hero like figure. Due to their metabolism being high, they do not store undesired amounts of subcutaneous fat. The gene Myogenin (which is defined as a muscle-specific basic-helix-loop-helix (BHLH) transcription factor involved in the coordination of skeletal muscle development or myogenesis and repair.) has been shown to be increased within Mesomorphs bodies 65% when compared to that of other body types.



Next we have the Ectomorph body type whose metabolism parallels that of a Jet engine! There body naturally converts carbohydrates into efficient energy whereas other body types may store the excess “carbs” as fat. This rapid breakdown of foods and also the lack of musculature can be attributed to the number of individual cells that surround their muscle, and their proficiency to add to those cells. When comparing a perfect regiment for an Ectomorph to any of the other body types, they would need to have at least doubled their caloric intake and progressively overload all compound movements to see improvement in their physique.



Lastly, we have the Endomorph, my least favourite because this is closest to my body type! To nicely put it, Endomorphs are naturally adept at storing energy or fuel for later. This is the bodies natural defense mechanism against starvation and or famine. Their bodies are the most difficult to manage due to a lot of the muscle and fat being stored in the lower echelon of the body. The best way to control weight for this specific body type is to implement low to medium intensity cardio in every workout and eat a diet high in protein and fiber. Sugars, my friends, are our enemies!!


In conclusion, though our body is predominantly of one of the three, we usually are not fully encompassed by just one type. For example, though I have characteristics of an Endomorph, I also resemble that of a Mesomorph when I train to the strengths of my main body type. If you wish for a more in depth analysis and step by step instruction on how to get the body you deserve, check out the Spartan System for intermediate to advanced body builders and the Road to Glory for beginners!

If you want the best exercise program on the market, which utilizes your personal fitness level, your calculated strength and even your biological body type, click the link to find out which program best fits you and begin your journey as a Spartan Warrior!


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