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Top Foods That You Need To Avoid

I've given you the best exercises, the best supplements and even the best foods you should eat, however what are the absolute worst things you should eat in regards to your health and gains?

“Hey I know the answer, sardines smell and taste disgusting…so I'm going to go with that as my final answer, oh and Quinoa, I mean it just tastes like warm beads!” So let me clarify what I mean as the worst foods, or foods that you need to avoid in general, Things that are not healthy for you at all and or can ruin all the hard work you are putting into the gym. Spoiler alert: Do not be surprised if some of your favorite foods are on this list!


Starting off the list at number 5 is FRUIT JUICES (almost all). Due to most fruit juices being processed and jam packed with refined sugar, it literally takes away from any vitamins or minerals the juice had. A glass of orange juice compared to a full orange lacks the fiber, and the satiety you would get from actually eating an orange. Lastly, even healthier fruit juices (like the greens smoothie) which is marketed as healthy due to it having many fruits and vegetables inside has a lot more added sugar than even a Fruitopia drink which is marketed more towards children. Be careful, read the label and choose correctly.


Coming in at 4th place is CANDY BARS (and even some healthy bars). Similar to the fruit juices, they are packed full of refined sugar/ flour and even oils that are not the healthiest. Some protein bars contain just as much grams of sugar as those sweet milk chocolate bars that should be a treat. The average Candy Bar contains 200- 300 calories and have little to no nutritional value. What is worse, companies place these candy bars/ candies strategically so that kids would beg their parents for a sweet treat while standing in line to check out.


WHITE BREAD is the 3rd worst option on this list in part to it almost single handily creating the misconception that all carbs are bad. Not all carbs are bad, however, this one is! White bread is overflowing with refined sugar/ flour and will spike your blood sugars the second you consume it. It is almost the equivalent of eating a few spoons full of sugar with a little bit of fiber added. In a study of almost 9,300 people, scientists found that those who religiously ate 2 pieces of bread per day had a 40% greater risk of weight gain/ obesity. That alone is self-explanatory!


The 2nd worst food on this list should come at no surprise: POP. If you love a Coke with your main meal everyday, I have some unfortunate news for the abs you are looking to attain….your not going to attain them! When pop is consumed in excess, numerous studies have shown terrible declination of health and an increase in weight gain/ obesity. Once again, like the consumption of sugary fruit juices, you do not get full/ satiated from the one can of pop you consume, therefore you eat more with the empty calories that are ingested.


Now the number one worst food that you could consume is something that even hurts me! FRENCH FRIES/ POTATO CHIPS are one of the worst things you can intake, for reasons that are different from the other entries on this list. Whole potatoes are actually filling and have decent nutrients within them, however what makes French fries and potato chips so unhealthy is the high calories they have and how small the serving size is. In other words, the actual serving size of chip[s compared to what is actually eaten are usually dramatically different. The potential to eat half a bag of chips or half a basket of French fries is much higher than sticking to the recommended serving size. Also, studies have shown that baked, fried and or roasted potatoes can have a cancer causing element within them called acrylamides.

There are obvious substitutes for a lot of the foods/ beverages that I have listed here today. The cheat code to knowing if something is healthy (especially for those smoothies/drinks or protein bars/ candy bars) is to look at the ingredients and see where sugar lands on the list. If it is closest to the first ingredient that means it has a lot of sugar inside,, stay away! If you have hit a plateau in your weight training or just beginning your journey, follow me on Instagram @spartan_alliance25 or Join the Alliance on Facebook (search Spartan Alliance Fitness) and shoot me a DM for more fitness information!


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