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Week 3: The Strive

The continuation of my fasted workouts begin to get easier. however the second I do break my fast, I have to really control what I eat and my cravings in order to not undo my plan.

The Spartan System that I have equipped to my workouts really takes a lot of energy production from my muscles. With two different systems combined in one, while I'm pushing my muscles to the limits each session does take a toll. However I have been here before and I know how good it feels when that weight you started with becomes much easier to push.

The week starts off with Protein Pancakes, an amazing recipe that I found on Tik Tok which actually allows you to eat 5 to 6 pancakes loaded with 48 g of protein, only 15-22g carbs and some fats from the low sugar Peanut Butter that I add. If you want the amazing recipe drop a comment and let me know! The next day I had a small cheat day and had a Caribbean dish Roti and curry chicken. This meal didn’t match my heavy protein macro system, however it was delicious! I continued the week with my amazing protein oat meal with almonds and really satiated my sweet tooth while being healthy! (Again if you want the recipe for an amazing protein oatmeal drop a comment!) This weeks healthy hack is when cutting and or trying to lose weight, keep your protein content higher than your carbs, but keep them both close to each other (for example 45g of protein 35g carbs 20g fats). 1 reason is when you are primarily focusing on your cardio, your body pulls energy first from the glycogen in your system and when that runs out, your muscles. If you intake a fair amount of protein and carbs, there will be a subsequent amount of energy for your body to convert into fuel instead of pulling from your muscles. Lastly, the higher protein intake will protect the lean mass on your body.

The weight I am pushing right now has actually declined due to the fact that I’m in taking fewer calories than I was before. This alone messes with my confidence due to me being able to push 270lbs on the incline chest press machine for 6 reps a few weeks ago and now I am hitting 230lbs for 8 reps. I also stopped taking creatine in order to cut the water weight that I was retaining which further precludes my heavy lifting. The added cardio sessions have also effected my muscle growth seeing as every other session I do is cardio and I am not consistently hitting the muscle twice a week. Since I was working out and hitting my goal of 5 sessions for the week I had a little cheat day Saturday after concluding a great back and shoulder workout, so I had a few drinks, which leads into what happened in the next week, stay tuned!

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