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Week One: The Decision

Updated: May 23, 2021

I scroll through the Instagram feed to see transformation after transformation. I continue to send the owner of the post heart shaped icons which indicate how much I enjoyed seeing there 6 month struggle summed up in a second. I then go back in my mind and think about the times where I was striated; fitting into sizes I have only dreamed of my whole life and eating clean enough to make a body building competitor jealous.

I look back in the mirror and though I am not as big as I once was, I am definitely not where I want to be. I decided to begin a series of posts which reflect my struggle within my fitness journey, and the most important aspect of all: Consistency.

I am a Personal Trainer along with being in my final stretch of studies to earn my Sports Nutrition Certificate. I am also armed with years of being a Basketball Coach for an organization within Toronto Canada and a Fitness Manager which I was presented with the promotion after only 2 short months of wowing my clients and my peers as a personal trainer, while also allocating the Life Changer award in my first month of being a manager. I`m telling you this so you know, that I know, what I am doing. I am not a guy that is just saying run on a treadmill and lift some weights, you will be just fine. I am not just saying, eat your Kale salad with only water and boiled chicken breast and you will lose all the weight in the world. What I am saying is you have one life to live, and the decision to become better in all aspects of your journey. Within my time transforming my body, I have transformed my mind and soul quite literally, and this is why I chose to put my all into becoming a “Warrior”. I went from a “fat” immature kid, to an unhealthy skinny immature kid, back to a dangerously fat adult, back down to person who changed their lifestyle and mentally wanted more. You can also, but this, this is just my introduction.

The reason I am doing this week by week transformation is for 2 reasons: 1) to show you that The Spartan System/ Nutrition System is no Joke and 2) that I am a regular person like you, who struggles with having a bit too much fun on the weekends, and enjoys Burger King. You can do it if I can!! I have the knowledge and experience but do I want to always eat clean, intermittent fast and drink water with each meal? Definitely not, however with dedication within the kitchen and tenacity/ intent in the gym, I am definitely going to reach my goals!

So here's how this is going to work:

1. Each week there will be an updated photo

2. Each week I will describe things that I have struggled with, things I have done well, lessons Ive learned, things I love and hate, even some food/working out hacks

3. Each week will be an update on all social media platforms ( Instagram @spartan_alliance25 Facebook Jay Huggins and Tik Tok @spartanalliance)

4. You sit back and watch the Evolution and realize that you can become a warrior!! (and support me with some Alliance Merch!!)

So this is me at the height of my fitness career, after learning the proper way to navigate the kitchen and the gym.

However after covid-19, changes in jobs and the stress of owning a business in this time, ya to say I fell off the wagon slightly is an understatement.

So once again, this is to show not only proof that my Spartan System and Nutrition system works, but also, to show you that as a normal human being, and not a freak athlete that is genetically blessed, that you can also do this too! Again each week will be an update on all social media platforms ( Instagram @spartan_alliance25 Facebook Jay Huggins and Tik Tok @spartanalliance)

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